
Welcome to the IAH Netherlands National Chapter!

Groundwater professionals, students, hydrogeologists, geohydrologists, or any other groundwater flavour, join our global groundwater organisation!

About IAH

The International Association of Hydrogeologists (IAH) is a global charitable organisation dedicated to advancing the understanding, responsible use, and protection of groundwater resources worldwide. Established in 1956, IAH has grown to encompass over 4,000 members across 135 countries, fostering a global network of groundwater professionals.

Membership in IAH offers numerous benefits, including access to the Hydrogeology Journal, discounts on IAH publications, and opportunities to connect with hydrogeologists and groundwater specialists worldwide. Both individuals and organisations can join IAH to contribute to the sustainable management of groundwater resources.

About IAH Netherlands

The Netherlands National Chapter of IAH (IAH-NL), founded in 1972, serves as a platform for individuals engaged in groundwater-related fields within the country, facilitating networking and professional exchange. The chapter maintains a close relationship with the Netherlands Hydrological Society (NHV), focusing on groundwater and international connections.

IAH-NL is committed to supporting the next generation of hydrogeologists through initiatives like the Pieter Stuyfzand Scriptie Prijs (PSSP), an annual MSc thesis prize recognizing outstanding research in hydrogeology. The chapter also organizes events, such as mini-symposia and annual general meetings, to promote knowledge sharing and collaboration among professionals.