IAH-NL MSc Thesis Prize (PSSP 2023)

Pieter Stuyfzand Scriptie Prijs 2023: Results

The board of The Netherlands Chapter of IAH is pleased to present the evaluation of MSc theses nominated for the 2023 Pieter Stuyfzand Scriptie Prijs (PSSP). This year’s evaluation resulted in five MSc theses receiving honourable mentions with their nomination and selection as candidates for the PSSP 2023, and they stand out as clear examples of the high level of ongoing hydrogeological research in the Netherlands.

PSSP 2023 Honourable mentions

The topics of the nominated theses varied widely in scientific focus and method, as well as geographic orientation, but were united in having a high relevance for increasing the understanding of the importance and vulnerability of groundwater as a water resource of great importance. The thesis by Mohammad Alkurd (IHE Delft) used paleo-hydrogeographical modelling for the data-scarce and hydrogeologically challenging Levant region for a 3D supra-regional coastal groundwater modelling approach which will contribute to advancing the knowledge on coastal aquifer dynamics for the complicated hydrogeology of the Levant region. Using the Levant region as a focus but with a global approach, the thesis by Aisyah Salsabila (IHE Delft) addressed the question of how to map the vulnerability of coastal zones to saltwater intrusion, which helps increase our understanding and capabilities to assess the impact of sea level rise in coastal aquifers world-wide, as does the thesis by Melanie Schadt (IHE Delft) specifically for the impact of sea level rise on a coastal aquifer in Christchurch, New Zealand.

Analysis and interpretation of available long-term groundwater quality data in an integrated approach was the entirely different focus of the beautifully illustrated thesis by Jessie-Lynn van Egmond (TU Delft) for the Caribbean island of Curaçao for the period between 1977 and 2021. Although not part of her thesis, we would also like to highlight her compelling presentation of how beautiful and fun hydrogeological fieldwork can be despite challenging conditions. Also focusing on groundwater quality, using chemical data collected from previously conducted agricultural aquifer storage-transfer and recovery (ASTR) pilot at an agricultural site in the Netherlands, Felix Joger (IHE Delft) focused in his well-written and scientifically sound thesis using advanced reactive transport modelling to describe the observed water quality changes that occurred during the infiltration and recovery of tile drainage water.


Winner PSSP 2023

We congratulate all 5 authors for the nomination of their thesis for the PSSP 2023. Although all these five excellent theses stand out in different aspects, it was concluded after careful deliberation that the thesis by Felix Joger on the advanced reactive transport modelling of an ASTR system using field data hydrogeology was the overall most favourable candidate for receiving the Pieter Stuyfzand Scriptie Prijs for the year of 2023. We therefore congratulate Felix on the PSSP 2023 and look forward to him presenting his thesis work during the IAH-NL mini-symposium on the 26th of September, 2024.